Journal of Eurasian Economies

Goal and Content

The Journal of Eurasian Economies is an academic journal published by the Eurasian Economists Association with the purpose of establishing an international literature platform on economic and administrative fields about the Eurasia region. The aim of the journal is to bring together researchers and decision makers who work on analysing the current and the future economic, administrative and financial facts, opportunities and challenges faced by the countries of the Eurasia region. The target group of the journal consists of academicians, policy makers, professional businesspeople, investors, producers, as well as students.

The Journal of Eurasian Economies has an international scientific board, and is published in electronic format on the web as an open access journal. At the end of its first establishment year, it will strive to be listed in national (Turkish) as well as international academic indices. The publication period of the journal is divided into six months (January and July), hence two issues are released yearly.

For each issue, an adequate number of articles with a sufficient quality level are released, after being thoroughly evaluated and accepted by the editorial and the scientific boards of the journal. The language of the journal is Turkish and English, and only articles that are original and that are founded on scientific research utilising quantitative methods with data are accepted. Moreover, an article submitted to the journal must not be previously published, either partially or as a whole, in written or in electronic format on any kind of platform.

The content of the Journal of Eurasian Economies covers the following detailed topics about the countries of the Eurasia region: