Journal of Eurasian Economies


The Journal of Eurasian Economies is a scientific journal, based on the International Congress on Eurasian Economies series held annually since 2010. The Eurasian Economists Association, which organizes the congress series, also publishes the journal twice yearly in electronic format on the web.

The content of the journal, as for the papers included in the congress series, consists of articles analysing the countries of the Eurasia region in the fields of globalisation, economic integration, regional cooperation, international trade, finance, financial crises, banking systems, capital markets, growth and development, migration, social security, health economics, privatization, entrepreneurship, corruption, energy and natural resources, agricultural economics, environmental economics and tourism, utilising quantitative methods rooted in data.

The articles to be published in the journal are either selected by the editorial board from the papers presented at the International Congress on Eurasian Economies, or submitted directly by the authors to the journal, provided that they are original work and are not published in any platform previously.

All articles submitted to the journal are first subjected to plagiarism detection, then evaluated blindly by two international scientific board members who work on the relevant subject matter, and lastly proofread by the language editors. The journal only accepts articles written in Turkish or in English.